Tag | A to Z Bookish Tag

So I was tagged in this by my wonderful friend. It looks interesting.

Author you’ve read the most books from: According to Goodreads, my most read authors are Carolyn Keene (Nancy Drew) and Erin Hunter (Warriors), but they technically two people each. So the next top is Darren Shan (Cirque du Freak and Demonata).

Best Sequel Ever: Oh…probably Catching Fire as well. That’s one of the only book series where I loved the sequel more than I loved the first book.

Currently Reading: Blood Magic. I’ve been stuck on this book for a while. I keep putting it off. It’s not exactly boring. It’s just not my type.

Drink of Choice While Reading: nothing. I don’t usually eat or drink with books.

E-reader or Physical Book? Physical book.

Fictional Character You Probably Would Have Actually Dated In High School: Dating? Not for me. This question would be way too hard anyway.

Glad You Gave This Book A Chance: The Book Thief. I was about to not read it because it was my on my sister’s school summer reading list. Usually books on those lists are really boring. But I love this book now.

Hidden Gem Book: Make Lemonade by Virginia Euwer Wolff. I don’t know why this book comes to mind, but it really fits. It’s heart wrenching and very very real.

Important Moment in your Reading Life: Harry Potter, duh.

Just Finished: The Warrior Heir by Cinda Williams Chima

Kinds of Books You Won’t Read: Paranormal Romance. Not just Twilight. I tried something else from that section, but it was worse than Twilight. *makes disgusted face*

Longest Book You’ve Read: Gone with the Wind (1037 pages)

Major book hangover because of: Okay, so I finished this book and I couldn’t even realize what happened until like a week later and I couldn’t even read other books because of how in shock I was. It was recent but now I can’t even remember what the book is! I’m not kidding. I’ll edit this later when I remember.

Number of Bookcases You Own: There are six bookcases/shelves/cabinets built into my bed.

One Book You Have Read Multiple Times: The Quran. I read it nonstop of course.

Preferred Place To Read: In a warm bed or somewhere cold, like under the window. There is no in between.

Quote that inspires you/gives you all the feels from a book you’ve read: “Zhi yin. Jem had told her once that it meant understanding music, and also a bond that went deeper than friendship. Jem played, and he played the years of Will’s life as he had seen them. He played two little boys in the training room, one showing the other how to throw knives, and he played the ritual of parabatai: the fire and the vows and burning runes. He played two young men running through the streets of London in the dark, stopping to lean up against a wall and laugh together. He played the day in the library when he and Will had jested with Tessa about ducks, and he played the train to Yorkshire on which Jem had said that parabatai were meant to love each other as they loved their own souls.” AND ON AN ON WITH THIS ENTIRE PAGE FROM CLOCKWORK PRINCESS BY CASSANDRA CLARE. IT MAKES ME SOB OKAY? 

Reading Regret: Um, that sometimes I actually don’t finish books?

Series You Started And Need To Finish: The Septimus Heap series by Angie Sage. I always say I’m going to go back to it because I really love the characters in that story, but I can never make the time.

Three of your All-Time Favorite Books: no. stop it.

Unapologetic Fangirl For: all of my top favorite books.

Very Excited For This Release: The Retribution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin. I WANT THIS CASE SOLVED ONCE AND FOR ALL.

Worst Bookish Habit: I have a very specific way that open my books, which is to say, barely. (I have my eyes on you if you have my books.)

Marks The Spot: (Start at the top left of your shelf and pick the 27th book) Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports by James Patterson

Your latest book purchase: Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell

ZZZ-snatcher book (last book that kept you up WAY late): The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater. I couldn’t put it down I guess.

I tag everyone that wants to do this.

3 thoughts on “Tag | A to Z Bookish Tag

  1. I dont know why I just found this now and not on the date you posted?….

    I’m really in the mood for a good stand alone book, so I think it is about time I read The Book Thief. And I’m glad you agree with the best sequel. I’m actually surprised though. With all the books you read, that was the best? (BTW, I’m doing a presentation on that tomorrow for class!)

    You need to answer 3 of your all time fav. books! Would love to know that 😉 Think of it this way, if you could only take 3 books/ novels (to reread) on a deserted island, what would they be? I know it is tortue for you, but just to get an idea of what books are at THE top of your fav. list!

    • Well as for sequels, Catching Fire has been on my mind a lot recently. It’s definitely a top sequel though. I usually don’t like sequels they’re small drops in quality in nearly every series. However, I think the Dream Thieves (by Maggie Steifvater) is rivaling for the position of best sequel.

      Yay the Book Thief! I really need to re read that before the movie comes out because I can’t remember details. I only remember it was very good and sad.

      Wow cool. What about the book exactly will you present? And for what class (it sounds fun; maybe I’ll take it next year.)

      Okay…putting aside Harry Potter: (1) The Outsiders; (2) Fire by Kristin Cashore-I’m going to do another review on this series inshaAllah soon; (3) Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare

      (ahh i apologize severely to all the other books I haven’t mentioned I just typed three random favorites.)

      • The prezi is for Children’s Lit. class, but you probably won’t be able to take it until sophmore year as an English elective. I wish I knew how to upload presentations on blogger beacuse I have a few, like on Mulan, this, and 2 more that I would love to show, but I can’t figure it out… Know how?

        And I’m sure the other books won’t mind not being mentioned lol ;P

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